Welcome Centre re-opens this evening
We are very pleased to inform you that it has come to a point in time where we can begin to scale down the delivery service that has been necessary during the Covid-19 emergency, and gradually restore our centres where clients can collect food packs. We are extremely grateful to Greenwich Mutual Aid who have provided us with a small army drivers over the five months and made our continued service possible. We couldn’t have done it without their fantastic support.
The East Greenwich Foodbank Welcome Centre at Christ Church East Greenwich, 179 Trafalgar Rd, Greenwich Peninsula, London SE10 9EQ will re-open this evening from 6.30-8pm. With Covid-19 restrictions still in place, visitors must follow the one-way system in operation. The entrance will be through the church’s glass doors from Trafalgar Road and the exit from the church’s doors to the garden at the back. It will NOT be possible for people to access the church and the Foodbank welcome centre through the Forum.
We are working hard to open our other centres across the Borough and news will follow shortly.
A big thank you to the team at Christ Church for their efforts in the re-opening of the Welcome Centre.