Get Help

How to get help

If you need help from our foodbank there are a few simple steps to follow.

Step 1 – Get a voucher

Call  the Greenwich Community Hub on: 0800 470 4831
They may be able to offer support instead of/ as well as a foodbank referral.
Other places to get a voucher include:

Your referral agency will seek to have a non judgemental and meaningful conversation with you regarding the circumstances that have lead to you needing to use Greenwich Foodbank.  
The thought of that may be uncomfortable so we want to explain why it is necessary. 
Many people that use Greenwich Foodbank are closer to getting back on their feet than they may first realise.  By having an open conversation with a kind, trained referral agency you may well find that further support for you is available.
We get that this bit is hard. But it is well worth it in the long run. 
Once you have been allocated your voucher number (it will be an “E” with several numbers behind it) you will be ready to head to the Welcome Centre you have selected. 


Step 2 – Visit a Welcome Centre

You can find information about your designated Welcome Centre by clicking here.

Please note:

It is by far better for you that you attend the specific Welcome Centre you have selected as they will have the food you require pre-prepared.

If you need to attend a Welcome Centre that is different to the one you originally selected please do remember that you will not be an expected guest and so we will not be able to guarantee that food will be available.  We aim to provide for all who attend but those with voucher numbers allocated to the Welcome Centre you attend may be prioritised.

What should I expect when I get to the Welcome Centre?

A warm welcome, your food parcel and the opportunity to talk if you want to.

You may well be in the middle of a busy day and just need to grab the food and go but, if you would like to stay and talk for a bit (most do), the kettle is always on.

Citizens Advice and Christians Against Poverty are often present in our Welcome Centres and are able to offer extra support with no obligation at all.

Sometimes before the start of particularly busy sessions we do get queues outside until we open the doors so do be prepared for that in cold and wet weather.

Our Volunteers

The people you will meet in our Welcome Centres are all volunteers who are giving their own time to help out.  We have (very occasionally) had some foodbank guests treat our teams disrespectfully. This is always a shame because, in reality, 99.9% of our guests are a joy to know and a pleasure to serve.

Please do be aware that volunteers reserve the right to be treated with respect and most definitely respect you.  Any unreasonable behaviour may, sadly, result in further action being taken.

We don’t like having to put that bit.


Using a foodbank is, especially for the first time, never an easy thing to do.  We get that.

You may feel worried.
You may feel anxious.
You may be ok and see a way through. If so then great!

But whoever you are and whatever you feel know one thing.

You are doing a brave and necessary thing by coming to get help.  We respect that choice so much.  We all need help sometimes, we don’t judge you for that.  Things are very difficult for so many at the moment.

We are here for you.

It might feel like a big step to take but it is DEFINITELY one in the right direction.

See you soon.


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